понедельник, 16 мая 2011 г.

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  • *Y*
    Nov 3, 10:43 PM
    Hey guys I was wondering what I should do with my money from my Birthday. I narrowed it down to two things I really want. I could get the iPod Photo or I could get this lcd (http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-Details.asp?EdpNo=1119192&sku=N52-1710) and an iPod mini. What would you suggest? :D

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  • Brianstorm91
    Jan 12, 05:47 AM
    How long does the keynote last? Since it doesn't start here until 5pm :(

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  • MattZani
    Jun 27, 01:45 PM
    hmm... Im interested... My free trial doesnt run out until August, will this just extend the free trial? Or will it work after Dot Me is released?

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  • Hot Jennifer Lopez photos

  • MisterMe
    Jan 4, 10:04 AM
    whenever i repair permissions (when updating osX .etc) the same permission always gets repaired. there may be others sometimes but this one is always there.

    is this unusual?

    i'll add the specific file permission once i do a repair.

    ta. :)It would be nice if you stated which file always needs its permissions repaired. Afterall, there tens of thousands of files on each MacOS X computer. That said, there is a specific file whose permissions always gets changed during a permissions repair. IIRC, it has to do with ISO9600 CDs. At any rate, there is a short note in the Disk Utilities monitor window explaining why this file's permissions are what they are. It appears everytime this particular's file's permissions are repaired. All you have to do is read that note.

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  • Jennifer Lopez Picture, Video,

  • simsaladimbamba
    Mar 16, 08:39 AM
    I have about 80gigs left on my Macbook Pro, but I have about 100gigs of raw footage that needs to be edited. I tried putting them on an external hard drive and importing direct from there, but FCP doesn't even recognize that the hard drive is in there. It is FAT formatted and everything.
    If FCP has to access it, the external HDD has to be formatted with "Mac OS Extended (HFS+)", as FAT32 is not supported by FCP and even has a file size limit of 4GB (per file).

    Original raw footage is 30 minutes and 30gigs large. I took a 15 second snippet and it was an estimated 4gigs. The math just doesn't add up here.
    It adds up, as your "RAW" footage is probably using H264 or another MPEG-4 codec to store the video, and FCP wants its footage in either ProRes (can be 100GB for one hour of HD video) or Apple Intermediate Codec (AIC - up to 50GB for one hour of HD footage).

    Therefore get another external FW800 HDD (if you have FW800 on your Mac), which you can safely format in "HFS+" via Disk Utility, or format your existing external HDD with "HFS+", if possible as formatting will erase the contents of the HDD.
    Maybe you can partition it though.

    Format Your Hard Drive Using Disk Utility (http://macs.about.com/od/applications/ss/diskutilformat.htm)
    Partition Your Hard Drive With Disk Utility (http://macs.about.com/od/applications/ss/diskutilitypart.htm)

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  • augforce
    May 6, 02:12 PM
    Crossloop works pretty well. I've used it when I worked in a NOC and it works PC-Mac, Mac-PC, Mac-Mac, etc. Easy to install and it relies on a access code to share with the person you want to have access to your desktop.


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  • Doctor Q
    Apr 19, 11:24 PM
    This ad should be gone now.

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  • wordmunger
    Sep 10, 04:34 PM
    Yeah, dislocated shoulder is no fun at all. I popped mine out skiing about 15 years ago and it will still pop out every once in a while. You should definitely visit the doctor. Keep us posted.

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  • Jennifer Lopez Wallpaper

  • Apple OC
    Apr 17, 02:25 PM
    the truly funny part could come 15 years from now when his Football teammates are sending his picture all over the clubhouse with silly captions attached to it.

    Cute little guy ... is that just one tooth he's got on the bottom?

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  • diegoz281
    Nov 23, 09:54 PM
    Hey guys, happy almost thanksgiving!

    I have a question, and hopefully someone could give me some feedback about this.

    I am looking for a good A/C Wall (If it includes car then that would be even better) charger for my iPod 4G.

    I am hoping to get something that also contains some sort of battery integration, so that i can carry it around.

    The best product i have found is the zaggsparq. It seemed like such a amazing product, but it seems to be getting awful reviews, so i'd like to stay away from it.

    Oh and if you know of good A/C Chargers or good battery packs for the iPod post them down below as well!

    Again, thanks for all the help!

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  • puma1552
    May 5, 07:49 AM
    Before I was even to the part where you praised the clip, I was navigating towards the post button to say that the clip is hideous and shouldn't be on there, lol.

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  • CanadaRAM
    Jun 29, 11:17 PM
    May be a good idea to describe what these are -- photos, links?

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  • Actress Jennifer Lopez

  • Enco5
    Apr 3, 05:09 PM

    I recently updated my IPhone 3G to the latest OS 4.2.1 and unlocked the device with redsn0w and so forth - and it works beautifully. Prior to this update , I had previously JB the device and had it running on t mobile - but it was always buggy and constantly freezing up on me.
    As the result of this, I have not activated this Iphone with Tmobile service - as I wanted to see if I could run the IPhone with a free "voip sip" provider and using it in combination with Google voice and boxcar for example.
    Though since I have added these apps like: Boxcar and a acrobit SIP client, it has been my speculation and question that currently I am not getting instant "push notifications" - which leads me to believe that this is the result of not having service ( is this correct? )
    In the contrary , I have read many IPod touch users, having success using their Ipod touch as a Phone and getting instant notifications.
    Finally, does anyone have any clues or suggestions, on how I can configure this Iphone in this method or if it is doable.
    Thanks for any advise!!

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  • Posts Tagged #39;Jennifer Lopez

  • i eversaw
    Mar 11, 08:46 AM
    the lime is growing

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  • Aero26
    Jan 30, 09:08 PM
    Ajybody remembe this gadget from early last year? It was in the 60-80 dollar range. You simply place your ipod into a sort of latch in the back and it would give you the standard 7 inch display of a tablet. As far as i remember, it only came in black. I bwlieve it also incorporated the word "magic" into its trademark. Haven't heard a word of it since the iPad released. Did Apple get all corporate and cease and desist them or does Google simply refer any search for "ipod" and "tablet" to the iPad by chance?

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  • dethl
    Oct 26, 07:53 PM
    No one got Leopard tonight. I have a feeling that Apple's involvement with delaying shipments to prevent any early ones may have had a hand in preventing our bookstore from selling on time. I'm highly disappointed in Apple.

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  • Icy1007
    May 5, 03:21 AM
    From what I've seen, it looks like it would a PITA to install your own SSD in an iMac.

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  • AdrianK
    Apr 4, 04:15 PM
    Oh, ok, thought they were related.

    When did this start occurring?
    Are you on your own wifi network, or is it corporate, public etc?
    Have you changed any settings in the Settings app to do with the particular network?

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  • JMT529
    Dec 2, 12:52 PM
    I am looking to sell my iPod Nano. It is the white 4GB version. I have had it since they started selling them, which I think is about 3 months or so. It comes with all the normal stuff. I will also be including an iPod Nano Dock.

    The condition is ok, but it does suffer from scratches, as im sure you know about. I have had it since day one, and was unaware it would scratch so easily.

    I think $200 would be a fair price. Unless your looking to trade a 5g iPod, I am looking to sell only. If you have any questions feel free. I'll try n post pictures later.

    Please post pictures asap as I am interested. Thanks.

    May 6, 03:39 PM
    Why not ask your son? :eek:
    +1 on this.

    He should know what he does and doesn't want more than anyone here. Tell him the budget and let him figure it out.

    Sep 4, 11:20 AM
    Hi all,

    Oct 26, 05:20 PM




    Nov 1, 12:16 PM
    Well done! How did it turn out for you?

    Apr 16, 10:42 PM
    Looks like a search engine for pirated movies?

    Which bit do you want to know about the legality of?

    Yes, legality of the pirated movies. That's what I thought that was. I've just never seen something move that quick before. I had read about this in the newspapers before, but I didn't know what it looked like. this was the only place I could think of in the search I did to ask. Thank you.

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